Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Honesty ...

When we were kids, we were taught a lot about honesty. Right from kinder gardens we were taught stories that reward handsomely to people who are honest. As we grew up, we somehow divert away from the path of honesty. Ofcourse, we are still honest people! I know I am. Only when I told lies that did no harm to anybody. Like lying why I was home so late all due to a flat tyre, when the fact was, I was busy in my friends party. Ofcourse, there are numerous such small lies that I have said in my life. And it always felt good. Such lies did harm to nobody, so overall, I am still a honest person.

It was a regular day at work. Nothing out of ordinary. Peter and I were playing after lunch. Throwing soft ball to one another. That what we do when we need to get our minds working. Sometimes, we get so caught up giving exercise to our mind that we dont remember how long we were playing. The game normally lasts for 30 mins, unless we see "the boss" around.

That day, we played the longest... 1 hr 45 mins .... it was awesome! By the time, the office got closed, we were done with our work. While leaving the office, I saw Patricia running here and there looking upset. When she saw me standing on the way, she looked at me puzzled. For a moment, I just kept looking into her eyes and got lost in my thoughts; which btw got disrupted by her sweet voice.

"JD, did you happen to know anything about my project."

"aaaa.... project... yes, ofcourse, your project. I know a little."

"It seems i have lost my only soft copy of the files, and I need to work on it. Can you help me out with it ?"

For a minute I just looked at her trying to figure out what was going on.

"yes, Patricia. I will help."

"Thanks" - she said with a smile. I always lover her smile.

So it was me and Patricia, only two people left in the office. We worked out through her whole project. Right from projection of guidelines to suppliers things and estimating the construction details.

By the time we got it done, it was 3 AM. The longest I worked in office was till 10 PM, but this sure broke my record. However, it was worth it since I enjoyed Patricia's company.

Though I must say, I enjoyed working with her most of night. I wasn't that happy. While, we were heading towards parking lot, I told Patricia what might have happened. She did seem upset after hearing it, but unlike other girls who would beat the hell out of me. She just calmly said goodnight to me.

I have seen girls in my life which are way to dangerous when it comes to confession by guy. 1st of all she would throw on you anything she has... purse, cellphone, shopping bags. Then if its more athletic type of girl, she would reach out for her sandal to beat you up. And ofcourse, 1 famous line which goes around was, "I hate you. How can you do this to me." She would say as many times she can and ofcourse crying too. Crying is something they are always good at. And, if she happened to drive, then don't expect a return journey. My advice, call the cab. But, if you were driving, she would expect you to still drop her at her place. (again, it depends on situations.) What Patricia, did that night, was something I never expected. Her calmness was killing me.

When I reached home, I felt stupid as to what I said to her. I mean, I could have just pretended that it never happened and she would have believed it. (When it comes to making a speech, I noticed I am lacking that fine quality. Somehow, I always tell the truth.) The next day at office went usual. I happen to see Patricia quite often (in lobby, near cooler, near vending machine) for every smile that I do while greeting her, she would calmly look at me and say nothing.

I could not resist what was going on. I felt as if I am the only person in this world, who has told a lie. I went to Peter's desk.

"Hey Pete."

"Hi JD, whats up?"

"Have you ever told a lie?"

"Ofcourse not. I never told a lie." - said Peter with a confidence. "Like for example your ipod. You were looking all over your apartment last week and you asked if it was there with me. I said no... remember?"

"yes. I remember, pete."

"see there you go. I found it in my car. Below the back seat 2 days ago."

"2 days ago!!" - I said with an angry voice.

"yeah man." - he said calmly.

"Why didn't you tell me."

"surprise!!! I was planing to give you a surprise, man. Imagine you sitting in my car and you happen to find it lying right under your feet. See how happy you would have looked."

"Yeah right, today, you are going to pay for this." - I said angrily.

What Peter said, didn't help me quite much. My next approach was Allan standing next to cooler.

"Hi Allan. I had a question for you. Did you ever lied."

Allan jumped up about a feet knocking the cooler. Good thing, the cooler is much heavier than Allan.

"wha..t wh..ere di..d yo..u heared Did Alice ... told you that she know it was me who knocked off her time piece off her des..k ..?" - looking around he said shivering.

I didn't answer that and walked off. When it comes for guidance in management, I always looked up to the boss. So I decided to ask him about it.

"Hi Boss, May I come in. I wanted to know something."

"Sure JD. What you have in mind."

"Boss, did you ever happen to tell a lie?"

"JD, please close the office door for me." - he said calmly.

As soon as I closed the door. "Ofcourse, I have.... whatd ya think." - he said with a shout and he seemed to be happy about it.

"Listen, come here JD." speaking close to my hear and still in his top voice he said.

"Look at all those sharks out there. the Board. What do you think about those. If I tell them the truth always, phhat... they will tear me apart and throw me out of building. Its all management my dear. You do whatever it takes." - he said that proudly and happily. "Look at me, I am a management saint. I dont lie in management world. It is called "handling."

"you get my boy."

"Yes Boss. I got it." - I said while trying to get out of his office in a hurry. For he looked like a devil wearing a red night dress and having sharp horns around.

Patricia's great storm silence act lasted for around a week. She will try avoid speaking to me. If she needed anything Tina will ask to me. I tried to pretend that it was no big deal, but somehow I was feeling bad. (bad that I ever told her the truth). After a week or so, while I was busy doing my work, she stood behind me.

"Hi JD."

"Hi Patricia. How are you?" - I tried to greet her as calmly as she did to me. (which I suck)

"Listen JD. About what you told me at the parking lot. I wanted you to know, that I felt bad at first. But then I realized that you were honest to me. About the whole thing and besides you all stayed around to help me out. So I guess, its okay." - she said the last line with a smile.

"So you are not mad at me anymore?"

"no. I am happy that you told the truth." - she said with a big smile. "But, don't ever, ever do this again."

I could see the gleam in her eyes as she said it with a mischief.

"Ofcourse, it wont happen again." - I said with a smile.

"So how about we go for dinner tonight. Allow me to wash off my sinful deeds."

"ha ha ha, okay. tonight's dinner sounds good." - she said laughingly.

So that's how our first date happened. I realized that telling lie is not a good thing. But telling the truth after a lie is the bravest thing anybody can do. When we do that, we are changing our ground and in eyes of other people, it might not look that good. So, the solution is, not to tell lie in 1st place itself. If we are honest right from beginning, sure people will be angry on us, but atleast they know that they can trust us. When, we tell a lie, we are breaking the trust part.

What Patricia did to me was to trust me, even after I told her lie in 1st place followed by truth. Not many people do that.

So, what had happened which made her project got lost. Well, my soft ball apparently hit the delete button when she was doing some file transfer thing to the server. This apparently made her lose most of files, which she thought was a network problem that made her lost those files.

(Thinking of which, I never told a lie. Hey, it was the ball who did it. Not me.... :) )

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